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The Telegraph and the Guardian are leading Google News Ranking in November – with weaker visibility

In our blog post of mid-October we found that had been overtaken by three competitors regarding their visibility of headlines in Google News. (, and, see Google News Analysis UK October 2015 )

However, BBC’s visibility had not significantly worsened at that point; it stayed at 10 to 11 percent constantly – but the other three news players jumped forward and increased their Google News Ranking. In November, things are a bit different: looking at the following graph, which shows the Google News visibility in November, we see that levels around 5 to 8 percent regarding their visibility in Google News. On November 28th, the BBC even falls down to 3,39 percent once.

The News Dashboard shows The Telegrapha and the Guardian leading in Google News in November

Google News visibility in November 2015 – headlines, all sections


Nevertheless, the chart also shows, that were not the only ones losing – was not able to hold its good numbers of mid-October; in November, they are mostly on position 4 with a Google News visibility of 4 to 6 percent (November 29th is an exception, when only reaches a visibility of 2,44 percent and crashes down to the last place of Top 5 Players.

The numbers of and for November are pleasant for them. They were successful with their activities regarding Google News Optimisation as far as their ranking is concerned. is mostly on position 1 of Google News visibility – followed closely by that was even able to get to the leading position temporarily. On November 9th, the visibility in Google News is at 12,35 percent, on November 30th even on 12,54 percent – no-one else was able to reach this number in November. hit a maximum of 10,59 percent (on November 10th).
