See which news publishers had highest U.S. search visibility for German election
29. September 2017As the Trisolute News Dashboard is based in Germany, we used our SEO tool to examine the search visibility around the German election this past weekend within Google News U.S.
The German election of their parliament, the Bundestag, and Chancellor Angela Merkel for another term was watched with interest across the globe. Our analysis using the News Dashboard’s KPI Dashboard follows the same format as looking into which publishers topped Google News search visibility for Scaramucci firing’s and PGA Championship.
Our complete keyword set for the German election is listed at the bottom of this post. Within the tool, you can also use keyword sets for Google News optimization of your articles.
Unsurprisingly, top German publisher and broadcaster Deutsche Welle, as well as many British publishers – and the odd American publisher – were among the top-ranking news websites in this analysis. The competitors are similar throughout the reports we looked into, except Publisher Carousels.
If you’re in charge of news SEO and Google News optimization for politics and international coverage, check out our post below.
Mobile Visibility Overall
Sunday, Sept. 24 (election day) – 40.83 percent – 35.12 percent – 33.62 percent – 28.91 percent – 24.93 percent
When we look at the change in the Top 5 publishers by search visibility going into Monday, the Telegraph drops out to be replaced by U.S. publisher (at 23.66 percent). While CNBC is known more for economy and business coverage, many political events and especially elections tend to highly influence the world markets and so on.
Mobile Publisher Carousels
Sunday (election day) – 44.53 percent – 33.33 percent – 29.07 percent – 18.13 percent – 15.2 percent
Again, looking at the change from the election day itself to Monday, almost every position except No. 1 changed, with the Guardian jumping from last to second with (50.66 percent); CNN – which consistently performs well for domestic and international politics – enters at third (40.68 percent); comes in fourth at 16.57 percent; and finally the Telegraph is knocked down to last, at 15.07 percent.
Desktop Google News Box
Moving from mobile to desktop, we see one new U.S.-based publisher enter the Top 5, and the Washington Post ranks again.
Sunday (election day) – 22.01 percent – 20.37 percent – 17.83 percent – 14.55 percent – 12.84 percent
Looking from Sunday to Monday, the Washington Post drops out of Top 5 altogether, and the BBC enters the fray at 13.94 percent.
Mobile Google News Box for keyword “alternative for germany”
Finally, when looking to the Mobile Google News Box report on Sunday for our German election keyword set, we drilled down specifically into the single keyword “alternative for Germany,” a conservative political party known for their anti-EU and -immigrant stances.
Below, the publishers are listed in order of search visibility, which we determine from the number of times our 15-minute measurements have seen an article from each publisher rank in the Mobile Google News Box for the keyword during the time period we consider, in this case one day.
We see two new publishers for this keyword, Al Jazeera – which is based in Qatar with an American branch and focuses more on world news than some large online news publishers – and Reuters, which was UK-based but has now transferred into the U.S.
When looking at U.S. Google News search visibility for elections outside of the country, obviously more European publishers are represented, as well as U.S. sites that are known for their focus on politics and international news from the American perspective.
If you would like to learn more about what the News Dashboard can do for your website, sign up for a demo on this page or visit our booth at the Online News Association Conference, Oct. 5-7 in Washington, D.C. – where we’re also giving away a DJI Mavic Pro drone.
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alice weidel
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angela merkel
cem özdemir
chancellor angela merkel
christian democratic union party
christian lider
die partei
dietmar bartsch
free democratic party
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green party
joachim herrman
katrin göring-eckardt
left party
martin schulz
right wing
sahra wagenknecht
serdar somuncu
social democratic party