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Google to pay in Australia, SERP shrugs and Question Hub: What we read this week (4/24)

Our work is never done. This week the News Dashboard team added several new features to the tool including the tracking of “live” flags on blogs. Check out all of the new features in this blog post.

Take a look at the news SEO stories we read this week.

Google could pay media in Australia

Australia’s Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, said Monday that he was forcing Google and Facebook to share ad revenue with local media outlets, according to Reuters. Nearly a third of Australia’s $5.72 billion yearly digital ad revenue goes to Google and Facebook, a report published last year found.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will develop a code between platforms and media companies to hash out revenue sharing. The code will also include advanced notice of algorithm changes.


Question Hub testing in U.S.

Can’t find what you’re looking for on Google? Now some U.S. searchers can ask a question directly to the search engine.

English searchers in India, Indonesia and Nigeria began seeing the feature in 2019. The tool is used for Google to identify gaps in content. Those questions are then sent to bloggers.

In the U.S. a small number of users will see this after searching for COVID-19 related keywords.

This is not the results you were looking for…

Search Engine Journal reported this week a new, curious update the search results: the search equivalent of an awkward shoulder shrug.

Google will now alert users if it feels its SERP results are low quality.




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Read more

Some help for newsrooms, Google may pay up and featured snippets: What we read this week (4/17)

A COVID-19 cornucopia, Google’s secrets and online reading patters: What we read this week (4/10)

Does the News Dashboard track all the Google AMP Carousels? 

Google Discover potential, podcast SEO and ‘coronavirus’ visibility: What we read this week (4/3)


