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Don’t panic: Download our SEO for news slides from the #ONA2018 Unconference session

The Trisolute News Dashboard team at their ONA 2018 booth.

The Trisolute News Dashboard team at their ONA 2018 booth.

It’s been a few weeks since the Trisolute News Dashboard team got back from the 2018 Online News Association Conference in Austin, Texas.

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to all those new and familiar faces who stopped by our exhibitor booth – as well as the staff and volunteers who made this year’s conference another memorable trip.

You may have spotted our vibrant blue “Don’t Panic!” stickers in your ONA tote from registration, and our matching “Don’t Panic!” team t-shirts.

We had a blast with nerdy talks about ways to increase publishers’ visibility in Google News Boxes and Google search-engine result pages (or SERPs). The last day of the conference was quite busy, but for good reasons! Our team was selected for the #ONA18 Lightning Talks and Unconference session, which happened to both start at the same exact time.

[Unconference] SEO for News: Fundamentals and the Future


For the second year, founder Tobias Fellner-Jost and U.S. news SEO strategist Chelsey Heath were selected to present at the annual Unconference. Attendees pitch topics they would’ve liked to see on the schedule, and then vote for the 5 winners.

Our hour-long session “SEO for News: Fundamentals and the Future” broke down the basics that journalists need to know about news SEO and Google News. We also left time for questions and a discussion on what the future of news search might look like, from Google scraping results right into the SERP to news articles on voice search. You can watch the full session above, and download our slides here.

Lightning Talks: The future of voice search


Chelsey was also selected as one of the finalists to present at the ONA18 Lightning Talk, which this year considered what future news consumers would want to see. Watch Chelsey present her idea above or on the ONA page.

If you would like to learn more about the News Dashboard or try a demo, please feel free to reach out. We would love to answer your SEO questions or simply create a conversation on how our News Dashboard tool can help your publication in the long-run!

The Trisolute News Dashboard team can’t wait for the 2019 conference – see you in New Orleans!

News SEO Basics: Google News optimization and news SEO for digital publishers

ONA 2017 wrap-up: Check out News Dashboard’s SEO Meets Journalism presentation
